10 lessons I learned in 10 months as a Freelance Writer

Chantal Jurdi
Published in
5 min readMay 19, 2022


Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

My journey to becoming a full-time writer has been long and rocky, yet exciting, and after many ups and downs, I am finally there — a self-proclaimed writer who is making a career out of her love for words.

It all began last summer when I decided to take the plunge, change my occupation, and start to share my writing online. After years of working in another field, months of speculation, and hours of training, I was finally ready for the journey and all that it entailed.

During my short time as a writer and a freelancer, I have learned many valuable lessons that are impacting my decision-making and shaping my path towards improvement and growth.

I am sharing with you below the 10 lessons that I have learned in 10 months as a freelance writer, hoping they will also be beneficial to you:

1. There will be lots of ups but also lots of downs:

And believing otherwise will set you up for failure. The world will not always be welcoming just because you have finally decided to put yourself out there. Experience showed me that many people will make you feel wanted. But I would be lying if I said that I didn’t encounter a few obstacles as well. Being aware of both the highs and lows better prepares you to deal with any challenges that may arise. It will also help you understand that they are part of your journey. They do not define you or your writing skills, nor do they mean that you are a failure. They simply mean that you are human with room for improvement, learning, and growth.

2. Shady people do shady business:

I learned this one the hard way. Some clients will always find means to take advantage of a loophole, no matter how bullet-proof your contract is. People who are not straightforward in their daily lives are usually not straightforward in business. I have learned to prepare an exit strategy with a backup plan in these cases and leave whenever problems arise.

3. Don’t entangle your worth with how much money you are making:

This was a tough one and it took me a long time to understand it. If you do not take solid steps towards detaching your self-worth from your money’s worth, your self-esteem can be intertwined with a variable you don’t have full control over because, as a freelancer, some months will be better than others. You cannot beat yourself up during periods when you are not doing as well as expected. In these scenarios, as long as you have a plan and your finances are in order, it is better to turn your energy towards securing more projects or even allowing yourself a little break.

4. You need robust mental health:

Writing and freelancing can be a lonely journey, especially if you are unable to connect with the right community or surround yourself with like-minded people. Taking care of your mental health by setting aside a specific time to recharge will do you wonders. Some of the activities that have helped me so far have been journaling and introspection. Sitting in solitude and letting my thoughts flow has taught me to talk to myself in the same way that I would to a good friend — with empathy and care. This method works for me, and I hope you will find one that works for you!

5. Take care of yourself, first:

It is very important to take care of yourself when business is not going your way. It is also important to take care of yourself when things ARE going your way. It can be tempting to neglect self-care when you are in the flow, overwhelmed with work, and with little time to breathe. Although this strategy might be successful in the short term and give you more time to focus on your projects, it will eventually backfire. My advice, in this case, is to keep your self-care regimen to a minimum so that you can properly function without burning out. Then, once your schedule allows it, extend your routine again to better cater to your needs.

6. Don’t underestimate the power of Active Meditation:

We’ve all heard about the benefits of meditation and how it can help you feel more calm and centered. I’m aware that meditation enhances my quality of life, but I never realized that it could assist me in making better business decisions. Active meditation can also help you take tangible steps towards achieving your goals.

7. Choose your battles carefully; not all wars are worthwhile.

Whenever I find myself in a toxic environment, I take a step back and write out the benefits and drawbacks to see if the struggle is worth it. I am ready to salvage the situation by trying to find adequate solutions, whenever the advantages outnumber the disadvantages. When they do not, I simply remove myself from the equation.

8. Don’t be afraid to say no, even to your clients:

It might sound strange, and it took me some time to adjust to this one, but I have learned that not all clients are worth working with. You have the right to pick the ones who are good for you and who will help you grow your business, just as they also have the right to pick the freelancer they want to work with.

9. Demand your worth:

Working for free or for a small fee will leave you feeling resentful and frustrated. There are plenty of ways to showcase your work, build your portfolio (writing on Medium is one of them), and send your writing samples without having the constraints of working for free or in exchange for a small fee. Therefore, do not be afraid to demand your worth — the right clients are usually willing to pay.

10. Build slowly but strongly:

I remember a time in my life when I wanted to achieve success immediately. Needless to say, this mentality led me to countless burnouts and unfinished projects. I have learned that patience and effort can go a long way in freelancing and writing. Building a strong foundation and taking your time is necessary to achieve success. They allow you to relax and let your creativity flow, which is essential in our line of work.


Working as a freelance writer is a joyful experience, especially if you have waited a long time before embracing this part of yourself. But the journey towards achieving your goals can be thorny.

Hence, developing healthy coping mechanisms that allow you to bounce back is essential if you want to thrive and move forward.

I have learned many lessons in my short career as a writer, and I am sure that I will continue to discover new lessons along the way.

And that, for me, is half the fun!



Chantal Jurdi

Freelance writer, self-improvement addict, & constant work in progress. I write about life lessons I learned the hard(or easy) way & everything that triggers me